Before You Begin

Here is a list of what the application requires:

  • Your Basic Information
  • An Emergency Contact 
  • Questions about your Personal Calling and Spiritual Life
  • Questions about your Ministry Experience and Involvement
  • Your Health and Medical Information
  • Release Form

You do NOT have the option to save the application and come back later. You may want to copy the essay questions and write them out in another document first before sitting down to complete the entire application. 

If you have questions about the application, please email [email protected] 

Thank you!

Contact Information

Mailing Address

Emergency Contact Information


College / University Information

InterVarsity Affiliation


Personal Calling and Spiritual Life

Ministry Experience and Involvement

Health and Medical Information

Individual Release/Waiver

Should the PDF not display properly, you may download a copy of the Individual Release-Waiver_10.22.2020.pdf

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