Before You Begin

Dear applicant, 

Thank you for applying to the Global Urban Trek! We are excited that you are interested in joining us and our friends this summer. The Global Urban Trek is a six-week summer immersion program where we live, listen, and learn from our global friends who work specifically among the urban marginalized communities worldwide. We explore the intersections of justice, faith and poverty and learn about what God is ALREADY doing among these communities. 

Here is a list of what the application requires:

  • Your Basic Information
  • An Emergency Contact 
  • Questions about yourself and your faith journey
  • Questions about your ministry experience and involvement
  • Your health and medical information
  • Contact information for 3 References: your pastor/spiritual leader, your InterVarsity Staff, and a peer. (If you are not a Christian, please provide a reference from a supervisor or other leader.)
  • Release Form

You do NOT have the option to save the application and come back later. You may want to copy the essay questions and write them out in another document before completing the application. 

You will be responsible for sending your references the reference form. Send them the link available under the reference section. 


- Orientation and debrief will be hosted in TEXAS! You will need to buy your own round-trip ticket to Texas. More details following once you are accepted 

- TENTATIVE DATES ARE: June 18 - August 5. You will need to arrive June 18th by 2:00PM. For your departure, you will need to find flights AFTER 2:00PM on August 5

If you have questions about the application, please email the Director at [email protected]! 

Thank you!

Global Urban Trek Team

Contact Information

Mailing Address

Emergency Contact Information


College / University Information

InterVarsity Affiliation


Spiritual Life and Background

We want the Global Urban Trek to be a program that is accessible to different faith backgrounds for collective learning and growth. That said, Global Urban Trek works predominately with Christian non-governmental organizations. Our content is centered on the Christian worldview. 

Global Engagement and Understanding

Please answer these questions honestly. It is okay if you have a limited understanding of world missions or the poor. Your answers will help us gauge your understanding and how you are entering into the Trek.

Please rank the following Trek locations from MOST INTERESTED to LEAST INTERESTED (1 first choice, 2 second choice, ETC, and 6 being last choice)

Leadership Experience and Involvement

Please answer honestly and all parts of the question.

Team Dynamics

Please answer honestly and all parts of the question.

On a scale of  1 - 5 (5 being highest), please evaluate yourself on the following characteristics:

Health and Medical Information

Reference Contact Info

Please enter phone number and email address for the below three people so they can serve as references for your GP/Trek application.

You are responsible for sending each of them this link to fill out the reference form for you. Please email this to your references as soon as you finish the application.

Pastor Reference

InterVarsity Staff Reference

Peer Reference

Individual Release/Waiver

Should the PDF not display properly, you may download a copy of the Individual Release-Waiver_10.22.2020.pdf

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software